

We are all carrying some level of guilt, shame, or regret. We’ve all done things that aren’t in alignment with our values, or that we’d do differently now if given the opportunity. We also carry some degree of hurt, anger, or resentment toward people who we believe wronged us. What would life be like to live completely free from ALL this emotional turmoil? How can we release ourselves from the weight of those experiences that cause us pain? What can we do to stop reopening old wounds and triggering past traumas? Today’s episode is all about forgiveness. It’s about forgiving yourself for the mistakes you’ve made in your own life, as well as for the hurt other people have caused you. In this conversation, I want to show you what it means to truly be forgiving, dissolve the emotional links holding you back, and face the world with a cleaner slate than ever before. Key Takeaways Why our past traumas can so easily haunt us, trigger us, and make us viscerally uncomfortable for years or even decades. Why forgivene