

Most people, especially highly ambitious people, are unhappy because of how they measure their progress. We all have an “ideal,” a moving target that is always out of reach. When we measure ourselves against that ideal, we’re in “the GAP.” However, when we measure ourselves against our previous selves, we’re in “the GAIN.” Today’s guest, Dr. Benjamin Hardy, is one of my all-time favorite authors. In his new book, The GAP and the GAIN: The High Achievers' Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success, he delivers a masterclass on positive psychology, healthy relationships, mental well-being, and high-performance. He explores why unsuccessful, unhappy people focus on “the GAP,” but successful, happy people focus on “the GAIN.” In this conversation, Benjamin makes his third appearance on the podcast to talk about how to stop focusing on the GAP and turn your biggest hurdles into massive gains, and what you can do to stay in the GAIN each and every day. KEY TAKEAWAYS Why associating our emotional well-being with t