

Do you ever struggle with your level of motivation? If so, you’re in good company as even highly successful people struggle to maintain consistent motivation. Most people feel very discouraged when they’re unmotivated. In today’s episode, I’ll be tackling this topic from different angles. You’ll learn what motivation is, where it comes from, and what to do when you lose it so you can get and stay motivated.  I’ll show you how to get motivated in a few easy steps and stay in that optimal state even when facing the most challenging circumstances. You’ll also learn how to hold yourself accountable to follow through on your goals and how you can apply these principles to be successful in every aspect of your life. KEY TAKEWAYS The biggest misconception around what motivation is – and what it really is. Why motivation is the result of action, not the other way around. The one decision I made that helped me double my income a few months after the 2008 crisis. How being accountable to others helps you to follow th