Spacetime With Stuart Gary

31: Dark Matter Keeps Its Secrets



Stream on demand from (mobile friendly). *Dark Matter keeps its secrets Astronomers are back in the dark about what dark matter might be, after new observations have shown that it’s not interacting with forces other than gravity after all. The findings add more mystery to the enigma of dark matter – an invisible substance which makes up over 80 percent of all the matter in the universe. *New lightning study about to begin A new suite of European Space Agency instruments aboard the International Space Station are about to begin studying mysterious upper atmospheric lightning events from orbit Every second, around 45 lightning strikes jolt Earth’s atmosphere, where powerful reactions in thunderstorm clouds alter the chemical composition of the air inside and around them. *The truth behind NASA’s twins study In what may be a perfect example of what happens when news editors get journalists who usually chase fire engines or politicians to cover a science story -- media outlets have been busy issuin