
Unicorns are rare, but what about real?



This week Mary Ann, Natasha and Alex enjoyed the warming climate and the fact that there are some positive vibes in the venture market as well. Hell, we even had a nine-figure round to chew on!Here's the show rundown:Alex wanted to discuss the latest FTX docs and the recent X.com (formally known as Twitter) news.Natasha brought a new edtech venture fund to the table.Mary Ann wanted to talk about Clear Street's impressive fundraise.From there, we discussed that while the pace at which unicorns are being funded is in freefall, there are still some mega-IPOs coming from select late-stage startups. We will relish the return of S-1 season when it comes.From there it was time to chat AI. Natasha recently went to an AI event in San Francisco, helping us grok the on-the-ground dynamics at play. That, when crossed with different regulatory postures around the world made for a pretty darn interesting segment.And we closed with the opportunity that opportunity funds may afford venture firms. While Lux is still pursing a