Tom Rhodes Radio Smart Camp

Lucie Pohl



Lucie Pohl ★★★★★  Tom Rhodes Radio Review for Lucie Pohl in ‘Hi, Hitler!’ Tom Rhodes Radio give the show 'Hi, Hitler' by Lucie Pohl a 5 star review! This show is so fast paced, character driven and funny that I saw it twice. The eye catching title of this show comes from the adorable tale of how Lucie Pohl as a child thought the Nazis were saying hi to Hitler and not heal Hitler. Is it possible to make Hitler adorable? Lucie Pohl can! She even drew Hitler innumerable times as a kid and wanted to go as Hitler for carnival but that kind of action is illegal in Germany where she was born. Her show is the story of her life and it is greatly influenced by the New York style of one person shows that I hold sacred like Eric Bogosian's Sex Drugs & Rock & Roll and John Leguizamo's Freak. Expertly performed Lucie Pohl keeps you captivated as her story pops from one scene of her life to another.  As a child loving David Hasselhoff in her native Germany, her successful father moving her family to New York City, h