Legends Of S.h.i.e.l.d.: A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast

E207 The Inhumans Divide And Conquer (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS207



The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Stargate Pioneer, Agent Haley, Agent Lauren and Consultant Michelle discuss The Inhumans third episode ”Divide And Conquer.” They also run down the Marvel news roundup and discuss listener feedback. Specific topics include: Medusa's Goldilocks moment, the lack of keyboards in Attilan, how Baby Groot and Medusa could team up, announce Lauren's newest podcast "Trailer Trash," and we wonder when we'll see Medusa's #BushAttack (Thanks Haley). THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Inhumans ”Divide And Conquer” Marvel News Roundup Listener Feedback THE INHUMANS “DIVIDE AND CONQUER” [3:34] THE INHUMANS “DIVIDE AND CONQUER” ABC aired Marvel’s The Inhumans third episodes on Friday, October 6th, 2017 to a rating of 2.78 Directed By: Chris Fisherhttp://www.imdb.com/name/nm1084723/?ref_=tt_ov_dr#director 18 credits starting in 2002 1 x Chuck 8 x Cold Case 2 x Eureka 2 x Hawaii 5-0 10 x Warehouse 13 1 x The Bridge 1 x Supergirl 17 Person Of Interest 5 x The Magicians 1 x Inhumans Writt