Legends Of S.h.i.e.l.d.: A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast

E404 Hawkeye S01E04 "Partners, Am I Right?" Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS404



The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer of the show Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle, Consultant Chris, and Director SP discuss the Disney+ Hawkeye episode “Partners, Am I Right?” The Team debriefs you on National Pastry Day, Chris’ begins a Hexagon theory, Michelle rants on the plot and pacing and concern about Marvel Studios burn out, discussion on Maya’s Uncle’s identity, Lauren’s take on the medical procedures shown in this episode, SP’s Hallmark Holiday standard checklist, the big Yelana Bolova reveal, Holiday Dog Antlers, precision close range tree ornament weapons, Kate’s boomerang arrow pontifications, arrow catching, that buddy cop bonding moment, Clint’s continual grieving of Natasha, the epic Hawkeye-Black Widow-Echo fight, who the owner of the watch might be, Go Team LARPers, and how butterscotch might be involved in the series finale. The Agents also discuss the top Marvel news stories of the week including Kevin Feige Confirming Netflix Defenders Characters Casting In The MCU, Shang Chi’s Big screen an