Legends Of S.h.i.e.l.d.: A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast

E405 Hawkeye S01E05 "Ronin" Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS405



The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer of the show Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle, and Director SP invite Consultant Chris to the show to be a full time Agents. Then they discuss the Disney+ Hawkeye penultimate episode “Ronin.” The Team debriefs you on National Hard Candy Day, super powered reindeer, the EPIC Kingpin MCU-Netflix Defenders crossover, Yelena’s blip moment, the impact of the Marvel Cinematic universe and Disney+ cross-overs, the episode’s triple reveals for Maya, Yelena, and Kate, the girls night with hot sauced macaroni and cheese, what is Kazi’s potential relationship with Kingpin, who is playing who with Jack’s arrest, SP’s Hallmark Holiday movie standards checklist, Grills’ and Clint’s growing relationship, Hawkeye finale predictions involving Laura Bishop, and the Agents dish on their thoughts about Fanny meeting Lucky The Pizza Dog. The Agents also discuss the top Marvel news stories of the week including Tom Holland, Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal weighing in on Spider-Man’s Future in the MCU, Di