Legends Of S.h.i.e.l.d.: A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast

E410 X-Men The Animated Series S1E1 Thru S1E5 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS410



The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle, Consultant Chris, and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the 1992 Marvel Entertainment Group X-Men The Animated Series season one premiere episodes “Night of the Sentinels, Part 1,” “Night of the Sentinels, Part 2,” “Enter Magneto,” “Deadly Reunions,” and “Captive Hearts.” They also discuss the top Marvel Studios news stories of the week including Disney+ Correcting Its MCU Black Widow/Black Panther Timeline, Disney+'s MCU Hub Adding Every Marvel One-Shot, and Marvel Removing ‘Secret Invasion’ and ‘What If…?’ S2 From 2022 Release Slate in Japan. The Team debriefs you on the well done X-Men The Animated Series premiere story plots, some of the massive production issues that delayed the series by half a season, why you should never skip the intro, how the quality holds up on bigger TVs, the massive amount of superhero fights and property damage in each episode, the unique way Magneto’s origin plot was told, how the series contains true and serious