Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast

Mistborn Era 3 Speculation



With Lost Metal closing out Mistborn Era 2, and us now knowing Era 3 is called Ghostbloods, let's talk about what we know about Mistborn: Ghostbloods. Brandon's talked about it a lot over the years. We talk about that and our hopes for the series, along with many, many cold wars. And Discord, of course. This episode we have Eric (Chaos), Evgeni (Argent), Alyx (Feather), and Matt (Comatose). Our Brandon interview that talked about Mistborn Ghostbloods: C2E2 Words of Brandon talking about Cyberpunk era: 0:00:00 Introductions 0:01:43 What is Diceborn? 0:03:38 Intro to the Mistborn Eras 0:12:29 Tech Level & Political Situation 0:42:12 Trell, Offworld Influence, Structure Thoughts 1:06:44 Protagonist 1:14:06 More Structure Talk, Discord and Kelsier 1:55:33 Random WoBs 2:11:00 "It is Yours" and More Discord 2:30:01 Cosmere Connection Level & Ghostbloods 2:47:57 Final Thoughts 3:02:32 Who's That Cosmere Character If you