Father And Joe

Father and Joe E368: Navigating Judgment: Balancing Condemnation and Evaluation in a Faithful Life



Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe! I'm Joe Rockey, joined by Father Boniface Hicks. In this episode, we delve into the complex topic of judgment—how it permeates our lives, both in social media and in personal interactions, and its role in our spiritual journey."To me, that's a big part of why I believe social media is negative. You're constantly judging each other, good, bad, or ugly," I express as we kick off the conversation. Social media amplifies our natural tendency to judge, often harshly, and this has deep implications on how we interact and perceive one another.Father Boniface offers profound insights, suggesting a distinction between judgment and condemnation. "Is the issue that I'm being judged, or is the issue that I'm being condemned? Those are two different things." This differentiation is crucial, as condemnation often carries a heavier, more negative connotation.We explore biblical references, with Jesus teaching, "Why a