Lead To Win With Michael Hyatt

DONALD MILLER: Edit Your Life for Success



Are you the hero, villain, or victim in your own story? Bestselling memoirist and business book author Donald Miller shares the connection between storytelling, personal growth, and professional success. He emphasizes “editing one’s life” to live a better story, highlighting intentional decision-making and stress management.The conversation explores the transformative power of rituals and the application of storytelling principles in business and life. Miller also shares his ideal day, starting with a cold plunge every morning. Along the way, he provides actionable insights on achieving balance, understanding our strengths and weaknesses, and how to stay inspired and motivated to change in positive ways.Watch this episode on YouTube: youtu.be/5AsrDq6CEuMFor complete show notes, visit doublewinshow.com/podcast/2-donald-miller-edit-your-life-for-success/Take your FREE LifeScore Assessment at doublewinshow.com/lifescore.Join Michael Hyatt for his free webinar: Land More Coaching Clients, Transform Lives, & S