Adp: Col. Kevin Randle (ret), Phd

A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle Interviews - DAVID RUDIAK - Decoding the Ramey Memo



David Rudiak has a bachelor's in physics and a doctor of optometry from the University of California, Berkeley plus graduate training in biophysics and neurophysiology. He has done scientific research and published papers on brain wave recording to visual stimuli and stimulation of the brain with magnetic stimulators.In Ufology, his main area of expertise is the alleged Roswell saucer crash of 1947, which he has been studying since1994. He is perhaps best known for his work on reading the telex photographed in Gen. Roger Ramey's hand as Ramey tried to debunk the Roswell crash as a weather balloon. Ramey's memo mentions "THE VICTIMS OF THE WRECK" and dealing with something "IN THE ‘DISC’" (perhaps “CADAVERS”), words and phrases which he and others consider to be smoking gun proof that a saucer crash really happened and bodies were recovered. He has been a speaker at the Aztec UFO conference in 2005, discussing the Ramey memo, the Ozark UFO conference in 2003 on the memo and in 2007 discussing his analysis of t