Selfwork With Dr. Margaret Rutherford | Self-help | Mental Health | Depression | Anxiety | Relationship Problems| Therapy

398 SelfWork: What's Cyclothymia and Compartmentalization (Taylor Swift Style)?



Cyclothymia, compartmentalization, and Taylor Swift don't seem to have much in common.But they're sharing this episode of SelfWork! And both are in response to listeners' questions and comments!Cyclothymia is another one of those more unusual depression diagnoses (like we covered last week with PMDD) and one that doesn’t get much attention as its more dramatic cousins, Bipolar I and II. Yet it shares some of the characteristics of those cyclic disorders (hence the name cyclothymia). Dave wrote about his questions about his own diagnosis of cyclothymia and how much relief and help it brought him.For this week’s listener email, I’m going to talk to you about a song by Taylor Swift, “I can do it with a broken heart.” A listener posted it in my closed FB group saying, “this sounds like perfectly hidden depression.” But is it?Vital Links:The link to the song by Taylor Swift: " I can do it with a broken heart"Advertisers' Link:Have you been putting off getting help? BetterHelp, the #1 online