Kelly And Company

Full Episode - 1805



Mike Feir shares his advice for blind consumers shopping online including how unboxing videos beat star reviews for product satisfaction every time. Fern Lulham uncovers how Gary Chapman’s concept of the Five Love Languages can help you give and receive love more effectively. An On-demand accessible taxi service is likely to be permanent after a successful trial, Laura Bain has that story on The Buzz. Keeping your kitchen in optimal condition involves more than just regular cleaning; it also requires timely replacements of essential items. Mary Mammoliti tells us what to replace and how often. Microsoft announced a modular video game controller kit that lets Xbox gamers with disabilities customize their controllers, we learn more with Markus McKraken on Accessible Gaming. Joining us on today's Roundtable chat to flip through a variety of topics and share his takes on the matters is Jim Krysko, Content Development Specialist in Edmonton, Alberta.