Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Those Without Heart Disease Should NOT Take Fish Oil



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C8AaG_Junkq/ Fish oil supplements have been recommended for patients with known heart disease. As a result, 1 in every 5 Americans over age 60, even those without a history of cardiac problems, are regularly consuming fish oil in various forms.  Problem is that these supplements turn out to be harmful to those without known heart disease. Chinese epidemiologists collaborating with British and Swedish cardiologists found that those without known heart disease taking fish oil had a greater risk of developing atrial fibrillation and stroke.  The risk for AF is 13% to as high as 17% and the risk for stroke is 5% to as high as 11%. If you’ve been taking fish oil and DON’T have heart disease, speak with your medical team about stopping this supplement. https://bmjmedicine.bmj.com/content/3/1/e000451 #fishoil #cardiac #atrialfibrillation #stroke