Spun Today With Tony Ortiz

#262 – Free-Writing Session (From Stoicism to Creativity: Reflecting on Viktor Frankl's Impact on Meaning and Writing)



Welcome back to Spun Today, the podcast where we dive deep into the realms of writing, creativity, and personal growth. I’m your host, Tony Ortiz, and in today's episode, we’re taking a reflective journey through my writing stats over the past few months and discussing how to navigate the creative struggles we all face. We’ll explore insightful advice from Ryan Holiday's Daily Stoic newsletter and reflect on a powerful read in Viktor E. Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning" and how it influenced my perspective on suffering, personal growth, and the profound search for meaning. Stay tuned as we explore the concept of "sticking to the path" in creative practice, drawing parallels to meditation and physical challenges, and dive into my thoughts on transforming potentiality into reality. This episode is packed with motivation, inspiration, and creativity-fueling content designed to ignite your own journey. And don’t forget to visit my website to read more of my work and support the podcast. Let's get started! Check