Steele & Drex

The Full Show: Should Vancouver’s parks and city assets be named after corporate interests, the epic breakup between B.C United and B.C Conservatives & The link between ultra-processed foods and brain damage



Should Vancouver’s parks and city assets be named after corporate interests? GUEST: Brennan Bastyovanszky, Vancouver Park Board Chair Why are homeowners along transit hubs seeing a massive hike in property taxes? GUEST: Paul Sullivan, a partner at RYAN, a global tax service, software and technology provider. The gloves are off. The epic breakup between B.C United and B.C Conservatives GUEST: Keith Baldrey, Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief  Further gridlock - Surrey mayor weighs in on B.C’s Pattullo Bridge delays GUEST: Brenda Locke, Mayor of Surrey The link between ultra-processed foods and brain damage GUEST: Geri Mayer-Judson, Show Contributor & Dr. Taylor Kimberly, Chief of the Department of Neuroscience at Massachusetts General Hospital  How January’s deep freeze continues to impact B.C’s wine crop GUEST: Anthony Gismondi, Broadcaster, wine critic and writer at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit