Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

Retiring Florida Man Learns He’s Been Living in U.S. Illegally



5/28/24 - Doug Stephan, Jai Kershner and Jennifer Horn welcome in news from the "Did you know and did you care" department with facts about bees. Yes, bees.We're nearing the end of commencement season and sharing the story of a commencement speaker who brought duffel bags of cash to give graduates TWO gifts, the end of an era in Vegas with the closing of The Mirage, and noncitizen voting becomes a centerpiece of 2024 GOP messaging. We discuss. A Florida man learns he's not a U.S. citizen after being denied social security upon retirement, why a Florida teen was turned away from her high school prom, the rising Naitonal debt, how social media is impacting U.S. National Parks, and issues with Amazon's self-driving taxi. We discuss that, too. Plus, a visit from Nik Miles,, for a lesson on all things automotive. One of the main onversations includes which vehicles are  the most overpriced used cars. Website: GoodDayShow.comSocial Media: @GoodDayNetworks