Editor and Publisher Reports

238 Unpacking Dallas Morning News’ decision to reinstate a public editor



Dallas Morning News (DMN) publisher Grant Moise explains the decision to reintroduce the public editor position despite industry trends of cost-cutting, stating, "We looked at data points, we looked at our own internal reasons why subscribers were leaving us, and we just decided we couldn't afford not to make a bold move like this. So, we said, some papers will say, 'They can't afford it.’ We said, ‘We can't afford not to do this.'" Stephen Buckley, who recently began the role of public editor at DMN, explained: "I'm a bridge between our audience and the newsroom. So, as I get feedback from readers about our work, I will pass that on and investigate and inquire. I'll be asking questions about their coverage of stories and issues." Buckley added, "Independence is a really important part of this job, and, almost by definition, that means that it's going to be lonely sometimes, and that's okay.” Buckley’s impressive journalistic background includes over 11 years at the Washington Post as a local reporter and as