Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

Abbyr Shen Reesht 2nd November 2020



Ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney' ta daa eysht jeig er-nyn-son, as caa da Jamys Kinry loayrt mychione cooishyn jeh dy chooilley horch.  Gyn veg noa ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', lhig dooin goll er oai beggan, as ta shin clashtyn satire ayns chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg son 'Claare ny Gael' jeh red ennagh scruit hoshiaght 'sy Vaarle ec Americanagh enmyssit Elizabeth Eve - E E - King, Yn Chlaare Choloayrtyssagh.  Ayns 'Traa dy Liooar' ta art mychione cabbil jeant ec studeyryn y Vunscoill Ghaelgagh son Radio Vunscoill, as ny s'anmee ta shin clashtyn meer elley jeh Pargys Caillt 'sy recortys jeant daeed blein er dy henney ec Juan y Geill. In 'Jamys Jeheiney' there are twelve questions for us, and an opportunity for James Harrison to talk about all sorts of topics. Without anything new in 'Goll as Gaccan', let's go forward a bit, and we hear a satire in a translation into Manx for 'Claare ny Gael' of something written originally in English by an Americ