Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 31st January 2021



Ayns Goll as Gaccan ta Phil Gawne leeideil shin trooid idiomyn as raaghyn elley ass 'Lessoonyn Toshee 'sy Ghaelg'. Eisht ta daa chabdil elley er-nyn-son ass yn choontey scruit ec Shorys y Kneale mychione 'Marrinys Feeagh Odin', as she David Fisher ta lhaih magh shen. Ta shin clashtyn paart dy hennaghys 'sy Ghaelg ayns Claare ny Gael y cheayrt shoh, mychione lhong enmyssit y 'Parkfield'. V'ad gra dy row ee ny lhong smoo stoamagh va rieau troggit 'syn Ellan ec y traa v'ee lhunnit, 8oo Jerrey Geuree 1833. Atreih, shennaghys giare v'ec y lhong shoh, va brisht er Conister moghey 'sy voghrey 3ss Toshiaght Arree y vlein cheddin. Va dy chooilley pheiagh er ny hauail, agh shoh va'n cheayrt s'jerree va'n Reejerey William Hillary ny oltey jeh skimmee baatey sauaillagh Ghoolish. In Goll as Gaccan Phil Gawne conducts us through more idioms and phrases from 'First Lessons in Manx'. Then there are two more chapters for us from