Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 9th May 2021



Ta shin goaill toshiaght lesh meeryn liorish Maralyn Crellin va ry chlashtyn ayns 'Shiaght Laa'. Chammah's shen, ta'n skeeal ghiare ain ta goll er insh ayns 'Claare ny Gael', mychione dooinney va ny cheayrtagh ayns Firenze 'syn Iddaal, as yn aght haink eh quail ben faaishnee daa cheayrt. We begin with excerpts by Maralyn Crellin which were heard in 'Shiaght Laa'. As well as that, we have our short story being told in 'Claare ny Gael', about a man who was a visitor in Florence in Italy, and the way he met a fortune-telling woman on two occasions.