Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 1st August 2021



Ta shin clashtyn Juan y Geill choud's t'eh lhaih magh meer elley ass Pargys Caillit er-nyn-son ayns 'Traa dy Liooar'. Va'n lioar Skeealaght clouit ec yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh 'sy vlein 1976, as va kuse dy skeealyn scruit er-e-son liorish Colin y Jerry. Ta Phil Gawne lhaih magh fer jeu, Corkish, ayns 'Goll as Gaccan'. Ren Sean O Bradaigh chyndaays jeh skeeal ass Mannin scruit 'sy Vaarle ec Dora Broome, The Merman's Coat. Ayns 'Claare ny Gael' ta shin clashtyn vershoon jeh shen 'sy Ghaelg, Cooat yn Dooinney Marrey, cur geill da'n vershoon 'sy Yernish chammah's da'n skeeal 'sy Vaarle. We hear Jack Gell as he reads out another extract from the paraphrase in Manx of Paradise Lost for us in 'Traa dy Liooar'. The book Skeealaght was published by Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh (The Manx Language Society) in the year 1976, and there were several stories written for it by Colin Jerry. Phil Gawne read out one of them, Corkish, in 'Goll as Ga