Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 5th December 2021



Ta Jamys Kinry cur nuy questionyn orrin ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney', 'sy chlaare shen vees goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin. Ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', ta Phil Gawne ginsh dooin ny fockleyn jeh drane cochianglt rish shenn chliaghtey faggys da toshiaght y vee shoh, as jeh drane elley cochianglt rish y Nollick as rish y Vlein Noa - foddee dy bee paart jeh ny fockleyn shen ymmydoil eh son screeu chaghteraght ayns kaartyn ny Nollick. Ta caa dooin clashtyn skeeal ghiare va scruit hoshiaght liorish Matsuo Basho, agh enmyssit Yn Chenn Voir ayns chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg ayns 'Claare ny Gael'. James Harrison poses us nine questions in 'Jamys Jeheiney', in the programme which is a BBC/Manx Radio co-production. In 'Goll as Gaccan', Phil Gawne tells us the words of a rhyme connected with an old custom close to the start of this month, and of another rhyme connected with the Christmas time and with the New Year - perhaps some of those words will be useful for writing a message