Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 2nd January 2022



Shiaghtin ghiare 'sy Ghaelg reesht, agh ta reayn dy skeealyn giarey ain ayns 'Claare ny Gael'. Hoshiaght, chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg lesh yn ennym Yn Faaishnys er y Gheay jeh skeeal ghiare liorish Anthony Dezenzio. Eisht ta three meeryn dy oor-skeealyn falleayssagh - daa skeeal feer ghiare as fer eer ny s'girrey. Ta shin clashtyn neesht John Tom Kaighin ass Ballagarrett ayns Skylley Vreeshey as yn aght yindyssagh t'eh ginsh yn skeeal mychione yn saggyrt as y vuc. A short week in Manx again, but we have a range of short stories in 'Claare ny Gael'. First, a translation into Manx with the title Yn Faaishnys er y Gheay of a short story by Anthony Dezenzio. Then there are three pieces of flash fiction - two very short stories and one even shorter. We also hear John Tom Kaighen of Ballagarrett in Kirk Bride and the wonderful way he tells the story of the parson and the pig.