Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 31st July 2022



Ga dy row coloayrtyssyn as meeryn feer anaasagh ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', myr ta shin oayllagh rish, as Phil Gawne as Simon Clarke chebbal yn chlaare shen, cha row meer er-lheh 'sy Ghaelg, myr shoh ta shin clashtyn meeryn ass daa chlaare elley y cheayrt shoh. Hoshiaght, ta daa ghamman er nyn son ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney', agh shegin diu fuirraghtyn derrey y nah cheayrt roish my vees ny ansooryn ry gheddyn veih Daniel Quayle. Ayns 'Claare ny Gael', ass Dracula, ta shin clashtyn meeryn ass jeelane yn Fer Lhee John Seward as Lioar-Laa Mina Murray: yn chied er jeeaghyn er surransagh, R M Renfield; as yn nah er boirit mychione Lucy Westenra as Jonathan Harker. Though there were very interesting interviews and features in 'Goll as Gaccan', as we're used to with Phil Gawne and Simon Clarke presenting that programme, there wasn't a separate section in Manx Gaelic, so we hear extracts from two other programmes this time. First, there are two games for us in 'Jamys Jeheiney'