Your Focused Driven Day With Lyman Montgomery

Revolutionizing Employee Engagement with Metagagement: A Conversation with Dr. Lyman Montgomery



Get ready to reignite your passion for HR and employee engagement with us, Anne Scotland and the insightful Dr. Lyman Montgomery. Our latest episode delves into the transformative world of 'Metagagement,' offering you fresh, actionable insights that promise to revolutionize the way you connect with your team. We tackle the nuances of nurturing a diverse, multi-generational workforce that's spread across the globe, providing you with the tools to make work not just a place to go, but an experience that excites.Embark on a transformative journey as we unveil our new, user-friendly website and discuss the power of outpacing disruptors with a proactive mindset. The episode goes beyond the surface, looking at the individual needs of a varied workforce and championing a human-centric approach that goes above and beyond job titles. Dr. Montgomery and I share our expertise on creating a culture of empathy and recognition, setting the stage for a series of discussions that challenge conventional engagem