Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

456 - To Be Human - Part Eight: The Two Powers



To Be Human - Part Eight: The Two Powers. After a couple of weeks of hijinks, we're back to your regular scheduled programming. Today we further explore the misuse of power and the difference between power over and power with or under. What about the idea of entitlement and the need to relinquish rights and privileges for the sake of others? What is the concept of power and its role in the church? What is the difference between power over and power with, and how can the church to embrace power with and forsake power over? The examples of Jesus and Paul are highlighted as models of power with, where weakness, cooperation, and relationship are valued over coercion and control. We also look at the question of whether Christians can ever use power over, with different perspectives presented. First, Tim asks Mike to clarify the meaning of cruciformity, which is living in a self-expenditure and other-oriented way, following the example of Jesus. How can we understand it as more than a rhetorical idea and not a