Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed

Our Identity Conference 2024 | Part 2



2 Corinthians 5:17 says that those who are in Christ are completely new creations. Their old sinful selves have passed away, and they have been made brand new in their spiritual nature. In this message, Duane teaches that although our physical bodies and minds did not literally become new at salvation, our spirits were recreated and made righteous before God through faith in Jesus.Many believers still view themselves solely based on their physical characteristics and fleshly nature instead of their new spiritual reality. The Bible says we are no longer to regard anyone from a merely human perspective but through the lens of who we have become through the transforming work of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:16). Our true identity comes not from our family heritage, ethnic background, or any other natural factors, but from our spiritual rebirth in Christ.Jesus discovered His identity as the Son of God by having the Scriptures revealed to Him through the Holy Spirit. As Jesus read the Old Testament, the Spirit revealed