Naples Community Church's Podcast

They're Not Drunk Just Crazy



May 19, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Breathe On Me Breath Of God” Breathe on me breath of God fill me with life anew That I may love what Thou dost love and do what Thou wouldst do Breathe on me breath of God until my heart is pure Until with Thee I will one will to do and to endure Breathe on me breath of God till I am wholly Thine Till all this earthly part of me glows with Thy fire divine Breathe on me breath of God so shall I never die But live with Thee the perfect life of Thine eternity Amen! Prayer of Praise Song of Worship Prayers of the Church and the Lord’s Prayer Offering and Doxology Scripture Lesson Acts 2:1-21 Sermon They're Not Drunk Just Crazy Closing Hymn “Holy Spirit Rain Down” Holy Spirit rain down rain down O Comforter and Friend How we need Your touch again Holy Spirit rain down rain down Let Your power fall let Your voice be heard Come and change our hearts as we stand on Your Word Holy Spirit rain down No eye has seen no ear has heard no mind can