Tom Rhodes Radio Smart Camp

Chris Martin



Tom Rhodes is in New Zealand!  After doing the New Zealand Comedy Festival in Auckland for 2 weeks I did a best of the fest tour with a small group of comedians that went all over the country. This was an epic adventure in the land of epic adventures. We performed in gorgeous theaters nightly, had daily flights or long van rides. It was a fun group to travel with because nobody on this tour was a douche bag.  Of the comedians on the line up Chris Martin from London killed it every night. He is young, handsome and has the right passion for comedy. I was impressed that he carried the same style of notebook that I did, scribbling ideas in it every day and consulting it before he went on stage. There is an exciting period when you are fresh into comedy and you are looking for jokes in everything. Chris Martin has that enthusiasm and I respect him for it. Everyone on the tour bonded friendships and supported each other. We all laughed truck loads enjoying the hundreds and hundreds of miles we were traveling togeth