Tom Rhodes Radio Smart Camp

Jimmy Shubert



Tom Rhodes Radio is in Los Angeles! Jimmy Shubert is a comedian I have loved and respected for years. He has always been a strong performer with hard hitting jokes. I've known him for many years and I enjoy him because not only is he a kind hearted friend, he constantly cracks me up.  As a comedian with a lot of years under my belt there are not too many people who just being in their presence cracks me up but Jimmy is one of those few people who do.  On a recent visit to Los Angeles I stopped by his house where we recorded this episode at his kitchen table with freshly brewed cups of coffee.  As a live performing comedian I find him to be a total head cruncher! The man knows how to destroy a room! He owns my respect. He recently had performed in China and Israel and we had a lot of catching up to do since we had last seen each other.  It's always a good day when I get to hang out with Jimmy Shubert! Enjoy!