Tom Rhodes Radio Smart Camp

332 Yay Us!



In this bleak and anxious world there is still so much joy and beauty to discover.   My mom and I have successfully completed watching every art and educational program that I have and here and now we will delight you with all of the knowledge that we have just learned. In this episode we talk about Matisse, Picasso, Eugene Delacriox, Toulouse Lautrec, Antonio Guadi, Mother hummingbirds, Birds of Paradise and big cats. Our conversation reaches its crescendo of excitement when we talk about lions, cheetahs, jaguars, pumas, leopards and lynx. Many minds will be blown when you hear about the little known facts of the big cat family and hearts will be warmed when you learn about our favorite trees in my neighborhood, which are the African Tulip tree, the Monterey Cypress tree and the Persian Silk tree. Give your brain a ride on easy street with all of the best knowledge that my mother and I have gathered for you this week. Hooray for moms! Hooray for humanity! And as my mom would say, yay us!