Tom Rhodes Radio Smart Camp

336 Reasons to be cheerful



Not being dead is the number one reason to remain cheerful.   My girlfriend and I fled Portland last month because of the fires and unbreathable air. For the past month we have been in Los Angeles finding the simple things in life like miniature golf, the zoo and the beach to combat the fear, confusion and uncertainty that dominates life at this moment. There are still many reasons to be cheerful and in this episode my girlfriend and I take you on a stroll through some of the recent joys we have experienced in spite of the fact that we had a near death experience while playing in the Pacific ocean. There are so many things that beat you down in life and disturb our fragile little minds so it is essential to be reminded of the good things in life once in a while. So put on your happy pants and let's get giggly with Tom Rhodes Radio Smart Camp. Joy be upon you!