Tom Rhodes Radio Smart Camp

339 Pray for DMX



I woke up April 5 at 4:44am to a 4.0 earthquake. Some days the world just tells you to wake up early. The meaning of Easter  is that Jesus rose from the dead and I like that we can use that as inspiration to rise from back from the dead in areas of our own lives. If you have been defeated, beaten down or immobilized for whatever reason in your life you can still rise back up as long as you have breath in your lungs. In this episode I give you rollerskating news and the hummingbird update. I'll teach you why those old knives might not be as bad as you think they are and why driving a Toyota Camry hybrid is so fucking hot. I will tell you about the moment of enlightenment I achieved last week in Las Vegas and explain to you Georgia voting restrictions caused me to purchase the entire Dodgers 2021 season from I will watch every delicious pitch this year as an act of political defiance. For educational purposes I will teach you how to properly use the phrase: "Stand down whitey! This is not the slave mar