Tom Rhodes Radio Smart Camp

353 RIP Amazing Johnathan



This episode is a repost from September 2014. --------- Recorded at Johnathan’s house in Las Vegas, September 2014 I want to pay tribute to the Amazing Johnathan before he drops dead. We all avoid the thought of death and superstitiously try to avoid the topic but that dirty whore will strike each of us. The Amazing Johnathan has a heart ailment and his doctors have told him that if his medicine doesn't work he only has one year to live. Imagine what you would do if you were told you only had one year to live.   After years of touring relentlessly he wants to stay at home, maybe buy a new big screen TV, maybe do heroin, maybe a demolition derby in his back yard? I drove into his swank neighborhood, gated community with plush lawns and green trees in Las Vegas. Rich people can make it green anywhere. His house is a large sparkling palace with classic cars parked all over the front yard and back.  The 17 year old boy in me can't help but smile to see sitting in his drive way a 1967 midnight blue convertible GTO