Tom Rhodes Radio Smart Camp

395 Smart Bestie with Ashna Rodjan - Tiggers Bouncing



Tom and Ashna delve into the complexities of therapy and personal growth. Tom shares his mixed experiences with therapists, recalling an unhelpful session with a therapist whose overly friendly dog proved distracting. He discusses his strategies for coping with traumatic experiences, emphasizing the importance of creating positive memories to overshadow negative ones. Ashna reveals her decision to stop therapy after realizing she has the power to make her own choices without external guidance. This insight helped her recognize her own strength and the unnecessary pressure to be perfect. She also reflects on attending a Bible study as a non-believer, discovering the wisdom and poetry it offers. They draw upon the wisdom of Winnie the Pooh, particularly Tigger's resilience, to illustrate maintaining a positive outlook and bouncing back from challenges. The conversation shifts to societal expectations and how they navigate their personal and professional lives. They highlight the importance of positive language