Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Roman Travers: Finally, there is good news



If you feel as though you’ve been living in some kind of whack job, futuristic Netflix series when it comes to this country’s deplorable attitude to crime and our increasingly farcical judicial system you were probably suitably blown away by yesterday’s announcement by Police Commissioner Andrew Coster.  Finally, there is good news. Finally, there’s hope that we’ll get to re-establish more than a modicum of control over the growing numbers of gangs and gang members.  Police are establishing a national gang unit, supported by 'district gang disruption teams', to target crime, harm, and intimidation caused by patched gang members. All I can say is it’s about time.  It’s about time that someone took this feral issue by the nostrils and led it out and beyond the growing levels of complacency and the general acceptance we’ve been conditioned and subjected to – for far too long.    The all-new police national team, will work with police districts across the country, drawing on joint operations to gang funerals and