Gcf Austin

The Hidden Treasure



Life Group QuestionsMatthew 13:44 (HCSB)— The kingdom of heaven is like treasure, buried in a field, that a man found and reburied. Then in his joy he goes and sells everything he has and buys that field.1.    In this parable, some say the treasure metaphorically represents Jesus while the Man represents us. Is there a problem with this interpretation? If so, what is the problem?2.    Metaphorically, what is the treasure? And who is the man?3.    What is the field, and who is the landowner?4.    To obtain the hidden treasure, the man had to make a costly purchase of the entire field. He sold everything to make this purchase, but he did it “in his joy.” What actions of Jesus is this parable referencing? Explain what was so costly about the purchase by Jesus and why Jesus did it “in his joy.”5.    From this parable, what have you learned about the Kingdom of God?