Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E57: Rewriting Cosmic History: The Surprising Growth of Early Galaxies



Embark on a celestial odyssey with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 57, where we unravel the rapid evolution of spiral galaxies.Our cosmic journey begins over 10 billion years ago, as new observations from the Webb Space Telescope reveal the early formation of star bars. These stellar structures, pivotal in the maturation of galaxies, were once thought to emerge in a chaotic young universe. Yet, they now appear to have developed far sooner, indicating a surprisingly orderly galactic evolution.The episode takes an unexpected turn as we delve into the moon's dramatic geological past. Discover how our lunar companion turned itself inside out, reshaping its surface with titanium-rich lava flows. The tale unfolds through a blend of computer simulations and spacecraft observations, shedding light on the moon's enigmatic lopsided geology.As we return to Earth, we witness the changing of the guard aboard China's Tiangong space station. The Shenzhou 17 crew's safe return after six months in orbit paves the way for the Shen