Havilah Cunnington

51: Living Emotionally Whole



Today on the podcast I have a special guest to share with you; my friend, Josh Cearbaugh. We have built a friendship over the past four years and have seen each other’s families grow and thrive in many ways. Josh is a Life Consultant who leads people through internal transformation; connecting people to their heart, identifying areas where they find themselves stuck, and creating practical strategies to transition us to a place of thriving. Oftentimes, the places where we get stuck are the very places God wants to give us the most freedom so we can help others who are stuck in the same environment. Josh shares how he walked through a season where he didn’t give his emotions a place in his life; they had no value and were pushed aside. During this time, he didn’t know how to care for himself emotionally or process through pain; it resulted in an emotional and physical breakdown that manifested through a lack of safe environments. He decided that he could either stay in that place or climb out of the pit.