Havilah Cunnington

55: Give It Time



In this episode, I talk about a pattern I use in my life consistently. It’s for those seasons when I’m trying to hear from God for something. I don't know about you, but there are seasons where I'm just waiting on God to answer me. There are things in life that you have to let happen. Often we have to give things time to work themselves out. Sometimes things come through time. I want to encourage you with Psalms 25:5: “Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; For you, I wait all the day long.” I love that thought that He is leading us into truth, He’s teaching us, He’s the God who will save us, but sometimes we will have to wait all the day long! God wants you to realize that this is part of the process and we can’t rush the hand and the voice of God; we can only be available for it when it comes. So whatever season you are in, have you given it some time? Have you sat with it? Are you continuing with your daily life? And are you available when God wants to give it to you?