Havilah Cunnington

271. Embracing the Good, Hard Life: Embracing the Good



We're jumping into our second episode of our series Embracing the Good, Hard Life. If you missed last week, make sure you go back and listen. Havilah shares what it means to her to embrace the good, hard life. Today, she's diving into embracing the good. It's so easy to constantly be thinking about the bad things going on in our lives. Did you know your brain is created and programmed to seek out danger and anything that could destroy you? Because of this, we tend to go into fight or flight and make sure we are safe. This is great when it comes to survival, but it's not great when it comes to every day life. But, there's strength in focusing on the good and the victories we have. Let's celebrate today. "It is okay to be right where I am, and start today." Havilah's Author School is BACK! We've got some exciting news - for the 3rd time, Havilah will be hosting another class of Authors! In this 16-week mentorship program, she will help you clarify your message and plan your book from beginning to end.