

Welcome to the third episode of Minisode Monday! We keep finding so many useful tactics and tips that we want to share with you, but they don't fit into the format of a regular show -- hence, Minisode Monday. The Cheat Sheet: When you're traveling around the world, communication can get tricky. You may not have time to master multiple foreign languages, but you can brush up on your nonverbal communication skills before catching a ride to the airport. While cultural differences are inevitable, many nonverbal cues are universal. For instance, you can convey confidence and charisma by the way you carry yourself -- in any country. When you get good at observing the nonverbal cues of others in front of you, your communication will be that much better by the time you reach the verbal part of the conversation. If observation is your friend, a partner who can practice with you, observe your nonverbal cues, and give you honest feedback for improvement is perhaps your best friend. Try to observe nonverbal communicatio