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Episode 2053: Vince Houghton on how the Cold War transformed Miami into America's most Covert City



We don’t often image Miami as a city of Cold War subterfuge akin to Berlin or Vienna. But according to Vince Houghton, co-author of COVERT CITY, Miami was as crucial to winning the Cold War as Washington DC or Moscow. The Cuban Missile Crisis was perhaps the most dramatic and dangerous period of the Cold War, he argues. What's less well known is that the city of Miami, mere miles away, was a pivotal, though less well known, part of Cold War history. On reflection, it make sense. With its population of Communist exiles from Cuba, its strategic value for military operations, and its lax business laws, the DC based Houghton explains, Miami has emerged as America’s most fertile city for espionage over the last half century. Dr. Vince Houghton is the former Historian and Curator of the International Spy Museum. As the museum’s subject matter expert, he was a key member of the team that created and developed the content, exhibits, and design of the new museum. Vince has a PhD in Intelligence History, and is the aut