Arts & Seizures

Episode 50: Punk Rock Pizza Party!



It’s a punk rock pizza party this week on The Mike & Judy Show! Unfortunately, Judy is still recovering from her own book-release party, but Mike Edison is joined in the studio by a few special rock ‘n’ roll guests. Eric Davidson, author of We Never Learn and member of New Bomb Turks, is in the studio talking about his book chronicling punk rock from 1988 – 2001. Mick Collins of The Gories and the Dirtbombs is in the studio to share a new Dirtbombs’ track, “Crazy For You”. Tune in for discussions about the CBGB Festival and the original club on the Bowery, and touring in Europe. Hear some weird, exciting stories about Crypt Records’ Tim Warren, as well as the state of punk rock in New York City today. This program has been brought to you by Roberta’s. “We’d play places that would let us play. That’s it! ‘Can we play here? Yes.’ And it turned into a scene. It wasn’t this vision…” — Mike Edison on The Mike & Judy Show