Arts & Seizures

Episode 73: The Best of Punk Magazine with John Holmstrom



John Holmstrom, punk cartoonist and writer, brings The Best of Punk Magazine to The Mike & Judy Show. Tune in to hear John, Mike Edison, and Judy McGuire talk about the parallels between punk rock and comic books. Hear about the glory days of CBGB, and why Mike thinks that Boulud’s DBGB is a real disgrace to punk culture. John shares some stories from The Sex Pistols’ disastrous U.S. tour, and wonders why The Beatles never embraced punk. Hear about the upcoming CBGB movie; who plays John Holmstrom’s character? Also, make sure to pick up a copy of The Best of Punk Magazine! This program has been sponsored by Roberta’s. “I always thought that comics and rock ‘n’ roll were kindred art forms.” [2:45] “I really appreciated rock photography. In other magazines, photos were just there to take up space.” [30:00] — John Holmstrom on The Mike & Judy Show