Arts & Seizures

Episode 86: Peter Mehlman



Peter Mehlman, former writer for Seinfeld and author of Mandela Was Late, is the guest on this week’s episode of The Mike & Judy Show. Mike Edison and Judy McGuire sit down with Peter to talk about getting his foot in the door with Larry David, and how dramatic writing differs from composing essays and journalistic pieces. Find out why Peter likes Los Angeles, and why Mike hates it. What memorable Seinfeld quotes did Peter coin? Hear how Peter feels about Lena Dunham’s Girls, and whether not Seinfeld is a Jewish comedy or not. This program has been sponsored by Roberta’s. “I think the average person is closer to a celebrity more than ever because everyone needs so much attention. There’s so much attention-seeking from the most anonymous people, that the gap is closing.” [6:20] — Peter Mehlman on The Mike & Judy Show